Polls don't win elections. You have to actually get people to vote.
With that in mind, I implore you, exhort, beg you on bended knee, not to get complacent just because Biden has been leading in the polls. In order to defeat the worst president we have ever seen, or read about for that matter, we will have to put on our big kid pants and VOTE.
Nowadays when someone startles me, I shout, "VOTE!"
Don't stop at the top of the ballot.
Vote for every Democrat that you can, for a multitude of reasons. In the Senate, Republicans have showed themselves to be cowards at best and racist criminals at worst in their enabling of the current president. I believe in the two party system, but the Republican party needs time to regroup and clean the slime from their souls before being given any power again.
In the state and local levels, Republicans have been slicing up voting districts in a way that makes it almost impossible for Democrats to win. Just today, Texas Gov Abbot - a Republican - ordered all but one mail-in ballot drop off box be removed for each county. That means that Harris County, with an area the size Rhode Island, will have one drop off box to use if you don't want to use the US Postal Service.
Vote for Democrats all the way up and down the ballot.
Stealing the Election
If you listen to the incumbent, even votes don't win elections. He has been falsely claiming voter fraud since well before voting began. Republicans in every state have been challenging the election process in attempts to invalidate the vote. Let's be clear. They don't care what you vote - they intend to stay in power. In Pennsylvania, the Republican majority is trying to form a "Select Committee of Election Integrity." This committee would have wide ranging authority to subpoena election officials, examine ballots and otherwise control the election process while the vote is going on. How would this a democratic process?
The only chance we have to avoid a stolen election, is to vote a Democratic landslide that is clear on November 3rd. That means votes that are countable without interference by partisan lawsuits and other means to delay certifying the outcome of the election.
Finally, to the point.
Vote Early. Counties are responsible for running elections under the laws of the state they are in. However, every state does allow early voting.
--The lines are shorter
--There are usually lots of locations
--You can be sure your vote is counted by the Nov 3 deadline.
Don't let rain stop you - take an umbrella.
Take what you think you may need to wait the line out (especially if you wait until Nov 3):
--A bottle of water.
--Comfortable shoes.
--A light weight camp chair to save your feet.
Protect against COVID:
--Mask up.
--Sterilize your hands when you get to the car.
--Wash your hands when you get home.
No one is allowed to interfere with your right to vote.
--Do not engage with anyone that attempts to interfere with or bully you.
--Proceed in to vote, and report these behaviors to the Presiding Judge.
...and don't 4get NOT to be intimidated by Proud Boy types staring at U w/their MAGA signs! Remember MAGA is just a couple of letters off from maggots (which is wht these inbred yahoos R)!