“Good Bull” is a phrase used to describe anything that embraces or promotes the Aggie Spirit or the traditions of Texas A&M. It is also used to signify approval of virtually anything.
--from the TAMU website.
Here, Good Bull is a running collection of my random thoughts, snarky comments and unanswered questions. _________________________________________________________________________
Before I do anything else, I need to apologize. I promised in my third post not to call names or be sarcastic. In my Vote in Person post, I called a couple of names. I couldn't seem to help myself. I'll try not to slip up again.
Let's Make A Deal
I'd be willing to offer Trump and the whole family (that's the Chief, Eric, Ivanka, Don Jr., Ivanka's Jared, and Donnie's girlfriend, and anyone else that wants to join them) full pardons for federal and state crimes in exchange for them leaving the country and never having to see or hear from any of them again. They could have Epstein Island. If they break the deal, if I have to see one photo of any of them, or hear their voices lying, then the deal is off, and they have to serve life sentences cleaning hospital waste with their bare hands.
Dark Money
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse presented an eye opening explanation of the plan of the extreme right to take over the justice system in the US. This bravura performance took place at the confirmation hearings of SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett today. He didn't ask a single question.
Please do yourself a favor and watch theYouTube recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdQ-LgQPpRM&ab_channel=TPMTV
It is the best 30 minutes you can spend in service of democracy.
A Mr. William Kinnunen commented "The distinguished senator from Rhode Island brilliantly explained the radical right's plot to secure power well into the 21st century. Nancy McLean, a professor of history and public policy at Duke University, has an excellent book entitled Democracy in Chains (2017) that details the radical right's game plan moving forward."
Herd Immunity
In the most recent post, herd immunity is described as official policy, but by unnamed sources. Here's the thing, though: the White House doesn't have to make a formal announcement of policy. That's the evil genius of it. They just have to let it happen. Wind Donald up and let him go - to his rallies. No mask on him or most of his fans. No social distancing. I actually don't attribute the evil design to Trump himself. I don't think he has the strategic thinking to pull it off. You need to be a Karl Rove or a Dick Cheney to have that kind of long term planning. Donald can't focus that long.
Follow up fact on herd immunity: the real scientists, like Fauci and the CDC, say 20% is unrealistic as the tipping point to achieve immunity, so 1.7 mil deaths is a really low estimate of the number of deaths to expect from uncontrolled viral spread. Add to that the fact that the health care system overload would likely increase the fatality rate.
It's a loaded term, but I wanted to make a point with the title of the most recent post. I'd planned to call the post "American Holocaust," but but I soon realized the idea was anything but original. I decided on "Modern Holocaust" because it was at minimum the fourth of its kind in US history. Consider:
Slavery - enough said.
Native Americans: I've read that without the invention of the repeating rifle, we would still be at war with Native Americans. White men killed all the buffalo, and the tribes that still lived were contained on reservations to starve. Then blankets infected with small pox were sent to try to finish them off.
“The Tuskegee Study Of Untreated Syphilis In The Negro Male” - 622 men were told they were being treated for syphilis after an outbreak in Macon County, Alabama, but instead were studied until their deaths 40 years later, in1972.
COVID19 herd immunity disaster - see post of October 13.
Giving Credit
I try to cite sources for things other than my opinions. I missed one on September 23. The opening lines about What You Would Do were from The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. If you ever have a question where I got information, feel free to contact me.